What’s All This Fuss About SEO?

Appearing in the top results of a Google or Bing search is typically not a fluke. A good search engine optimization (SEO) strategy can significantly increase your chances of achieving this common goal.

Flat image depiction of media devices showing graphs highlighting the gains brought on through Search Engine Optimization
Orange backgrounded flat image depiction of a monitor working on creating a responsive layout

It’s Important Because…

Daily, millions of people begin an online session by using a search engine. They type in some keywords and rely on search engine algorithms to present the best results. These algorithms have gotten so good at displaying quality matches, it’s rare people even proceed to page 2 of the results. Heck, often times we don’t even scroll down to see the 6th or 7th organic ranking. A poor SEO strategy will diminish the chances of your website being noticed.

Quality Content

Unique, informative, accurate, and error-free content will go a long way. Smart keyword selection and usage is also extremely important for SEO.


Increasing quality links to your website is a sure way to improve your SEO. Your credibility increases with each legitimate link to your website.


Skillful heading usage, title tags, meta descriptions, site mapping, and alt tags allow search engines to easily understand your website’s purpose.

Staying Active

Releasing quality content on your website, and in social networks, generates linking potential and is more likely to get you noticed. The keyword here being quality.

User Friendliness

Usability has a direct correlation with SEO in that if it’s easy to use, more people will use it. Google can identify whether or not this is the case for your website.

Speed & Security

Search engines penalize slow loading websites. They also identify inadequate security measures. These are particularly important for ecommerce.

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